Party at the Polls
Local leaders held 80 Party at the Polls events in the Baltimore region for the November 2018 General Election. These celebrations of democracy took place in every corner of Baltimore from Curtis Bay in the south all the way up to Towson in the north. Baltimore residents came together, pushed hard, and turned out voters.
In order to promote their parties beforehand, most party hosts did a combination of door-to-door canvassing for the party, posting flyers around their precinct, and plenty of advertising on social media. Some colleges held parties at the mailbox, because they found that many of their students would be voting absentee--we were proud to support these efforts as well!
Every single individual who hosted a party expressed an interest in hosting another in the future. Reactions to the parties ranged from a “spiritual experience” to one of “pure joy.” Even election judges were pleased with the effort, and in some cases, couldn’t resist dancing.
Due to social distancing requirement to flatten the curve during the covid-19 pandemic, we have had to make the difficult — but necessary — decision to pause Party at the Polls activities at this time. Check back soon to learn how we will continue working toward a celebratory, inclusive culture of voting in Maryland’s Primary Election.